Wednesday, March 3, 2010

End of Book

Give your thoughts, comments, & feelings about the end of the book. Did you like it or hate it? What part surprised you the most? Would you recommend this book? Give your opinion in about 11 sentences.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

up to ch. 35

What are your thoughts on The Graveyard? Is this a good place or a bad place? Why? What about the admiral? What's his deal? Why do you think he runs this place? What about the growing tension between Roland and Connor? How do you think that is going to turn out? What about Lev? What is going on with him? Explain your overall thoughts in about 11 sentences. You can comment on other posts as well.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recent Reading

Act as if I have not read to where you guys have read, and fill me in on what has happened. When you reply to each other your task is to figure out what details they missed and write it in your posts. If you catch someone leaving something out, bust'em and write it down. Oh, and be nice to the sub...Please.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So, you have been reading along and most of you have read ahead, but speaking from where you are supposed to be in the book. What do you think? How about trying to auction off your soul? What are your thoughts on Cy Fi? Pick one character that you have NOT completed a character sheet on and explain if you can relate to that person or not and why.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Make a prediction about either a) What you think happens to Lev after the school "situation" OR b) Where you think Connor and Risa are off to. Support your opinion with hints and clues from the book. Also- what are your feelings about the other kids (Hayden, Mai, Roland) who are in the situation as Connor & Risa? What about Sonia? Why do you think she is doing all this work to help Unwinds?
PS- If you have read ahead and you give away any part of the ending I will personally sign your Unwind order!! :-)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chapter 9-13

As Connor, Risa, and Lev emerge into civilization we find out about the practice known as storking. What are your thoughts on this? Is it like anything we have in society today? Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why do you think Connor takes the storked baby? Clearly, this will not help in their escape. What are your feelings about Lev at this point in the story? Do you think he will be the "downfall" of Connor and Risa? If you could describe Lev in two words, what two would you choose? Why?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Unwind chapter 1-4

In the first four chapters the reader is introduced to some of the main characters. The reader is also familiarized with how the book is formatted (changing points of view). The evolution of the story is in full form by the time we reach "the cop." What are one or two things that surprised or seemed interesting to you? Why? State a few questions that came to mind after reading this section. Your response should be at least 10 sentences. If you reply to someone elses post it could be worth extra credit!