Wednesday, March 3, 2010

End of Book

Give your thoughts, comments, & feelings about the end of the book. Did you like it or hate it? What part surprised you the most? Would you recommend this book? Give your opinion in about 11 sentences.


Conor said...

I think it's creepy that Connor got Roland's arm. I think it's a good thing though that Risa accepted it as part of Connor. I hope Connor, Risa, and Hayden succeed in rescuing other unwinds with the ones who made it to the graveyard. I always suspected Lev wouldn't clap. Hopefully the unwinding age limit will be moved from 18 to 17. I think CyFi will succeed in front of the supreme court. Overall I think it was a fairly good book. However, it is definitely not the best book I have read

Chris said...

I loved this book. The part that surprised me the most was when Connor lost his arm and eye and then he got Roland's arm! I would recommend this book to anyone that liked The Hunger Games. Because that is what this book reminded me of. All the hate and killing. People think of Unwinding not as killing but as a different way of living but it's the exact same thing as murder. Only instead of getting rid of the body they use all the parts. I liked this book but there were some things that bothered me.

Kayla :) said...

I thought that the end of the book was really surprising, but I did guess that Connor would get Roland's arm. I think that it was right of Risa to not get an unwinds spine and just be paralyzed because it was the right thing to do. I would have done the exact same thing if I was an unwind and survived the bomb. I do no think that there should have been unwinding in the beginning because it caused to many problems. I really think that Unwinding is wrong because the kids have grown up and now know what life is then all of a sudden their parents take it away from them. 5 I did like the book, it was a little creepy and I don't want that to happen today because it would cause a lot of war. But overall I liked the book it was very interesting. The part that surprised me the most was that the author completely described Roland's unwinding. It was creepy how they just stayed alive during the whole thing and just got taken apart. I would recommend the book because it really makes you think about life and what it is. I like that it was a some what happy ending because the Admiral got to see everyone that got part of his son.

Conor said...

I also think Connor would have refused Roland's arm had he been conscious. I feel sorry for Risa though knowing that she will be paralyzed for the rest of her life because of her decision.

Conor said...

I don't think I would recommend the book because in my opinion it wasn't that good.

Sam said...

I think that this book was really good. I loved the end of the book it was so much better than the rest of the book. I think that if there is another book than we should read it. I think that the part that surprised me the most is the part when part when we found out that Lev was a clapper.It really surprised that he would kill him self to help other unwinds. I think that it was really nice of him to go faster because then Connor would not get unwound. That was really cool of him

Anonymous said...

I hated the book till the end except the very end where Connor and Risa ran the graveyard and the juvey cops knew about it. The part where Roland gets unwound is the best part of the book. ROland is the biggest jerk and i'm happy he died. I also like that Lev didn't clap and kill himself. It's funny where Mia has to clap three times to die because you build your self up to kill yourself then it doesn't work.

Laura =^) said...

I think that it is a good book. The concept of the book is hard to understand. I would not say it was the best book I ever read, but I would recommend to people, I knew would have an open mind about it. I think it is absolutely crazy that Connor got Roland's arm. I hope that unwinding will soon come to an end. It is weird that Lev has to be held still for a while. I though when Roland was being unwound it was really creepy. It is already weird being unwound, but it is horrible knowing that you could look at yourself being unwound. Unwind is an interesting book.

paige bushnell said...

I thought that the book was very interesting and pretty good. I think that the whole thing is very twisted though. It is confusing but I like how it all came together. I think that they will succeed in stopping unwinding, but i also think that it was kind of a sick book overall. I also think it is creepy that Conner got Roland's arm.. it is sad though too. I wasn't expecting it to all fit together like that but it did. I like how Risa and Conner are together. I think that Risa made a huge sacrifice, although it was the right thing to do. I would say that the book is okay, but I think it is very twisted. Unwind is interesting..

Aaron said...

I liked the book and I really liked the end because it was much more intense than the rest of the book. At the harvest camp I thought it was weird that Lev, Mai, and Vincient were there at the same time as Connor and Risa. It was interesting but creepy when they described how they unwound Roland. Then when it came time for Connor to be unwound every thing blew up because of the clappers. That was my favorite part of the book. The end played out well because Connor was in one piece(kinda), Risa wouldn't be unwound, and Lev redeemed himself by saving people from the wreckage. I also liked how Risa and Connor owned the graveyard, they were thinking about getting rid of unwinding, and that the admiral put Harlan Dunfee back together again. All and all it was a good book.