Friday, February 12, 2010


Make a prediction about either a) What you think happens to Lev after the school "situation" OR b) Where you think Connor and Risa are off to. Support your opinion with hints and clues from the book. Also- what are your feelings about the other kids (Hayden, Mai, Roland) who are in the situation as Connor & Risa? What about Sonia? Why do you think she is doing all this work to help Unwinds?
PS- If you have read ahead and you give away any part of the ending I will personally sign your Unwind order!! :-)


Anonymous said...

I Risa and Connor are going to another safe house. I think Lev will be unwound.

Anonymous said...

a) I think Lev will try and find Risa and Conner but will be unsuccessful. I think he will eventually get caught by the police or the Unwind's Police.

Hunter Hatch said...

I think that Lev will be caught, and sent to a harvest camp.

Jonny said...

To Mr. Fronterio: I fwe did some of the story away and we are only 12 would you still sing the unwind paper?¿

Brady said...

Make a prediction about either a) What you think happens to Lev after the school "situation" OR b) Where you think Connor and Risa are off to. Support your opinion with hints and clues from the book. Also- what are your feelings about the other kids (Hayden, Mai, Roland) who are in the situation as Connor & Risa? What about Sonia? Why do you think she is doing all this work to help Unwinds?

I think that Connor and Risa are off to another safe house like Sonia's. However, I have a feeling they will run away because Connor does not like to be trapped. I think that Hayden, Mai, and Roland all have there own issues, just like Connor and Risa. I think that Sonia helps the Unwinds because she realizes that it is wrong to kill children.

Conor said...

I think Lev will get caught by juvey cops and when he is about to be unwound Risa and Connor will somehow save him. I also think Risa and Connor might be walking into a trap by going along with what Sonya tells them to do.

Anonymous said...

Sonia was probably going to be an unwind to but escaped and she now helps unwinds escape. The other kids i hope survive somehow too.

McKena Marie said...

I think Lev is going to try to find Connor and Risa. I think that Connor Risa, Rolland, Mai, Hayden are going to have to escape away from one of the safe houses and travel to the forest were they start a civilization for Unwinds to live until they are 18. I think Rolland wants anyone and everyone to know that he is the main big, strong, mean bad unwind. I think Hayden is fairly friendly, and Mai she is really mysterious.

Kayla :) said...

I think Connor and Risa are going to another safe house because Roland and Mai said that people get moved from home to home for a while. I think Hayden is nice and smart, I think Mai is a troubled kid, and Roland just sounds tough, but would never hurt anyone. Sonia sounds like sees been through a lot and is trying to give back by saving kids. Sonia did something bad, so now in order to be forgiven for those bad things sees helping unwinds to be unwound.

Anonymous said...

I think that lev will go to the unwinding place and then connor and risa will save him. I think that Lev was very stupid for leaving risa and connor and going to the principal. I think that Sonia is helping them because she had a child and signed the unwind order and then she relized it was the wrong thing to do and now she helps unwind children.


Jonny said...

I think why Sonia is helping out all these unwinds is because I think she might have had an unwind child or she came close to being an unwind once before.

SIERRA:) said...

i think that hayden is very friendly he is definetley the least weird of the three. I think Mai is just plain weird she has issues:) Roland really bugs me how he thinks he is the top dog and can control everyones decsions. i think connor and risa are headed to another safe home or the gravyard

paige bushnell said...

I think that Conner and Risa are going to be shipped to many other people another person like Sonia then another ride to another person like her, but then when they run out of people I think that they will have to find somewhere to hide.

I like Mai and Hayden. They are similar to Conner and Risa in a way. They are really nice and I think that TOGETHER they will be able to make it. Roland on the other hand, I don't like, he thinks he is boss and I think he relies on other people to follow HIM. I am not so sure that he will survive.

Aaron said...

I think that Lev was on the run but left in a different direction, and knowing that he isn't street smart, he doesn't know what to do.
I think Conor and Risa are headed to yet another safe house which holds large amounts of unwinds.
I don't like Roland he seems like a shady guy, nor do I like Mai. But I do like Hayden because he is nice and gets along with people.
I think that Sonia is helping unwind because she lived before the war and knew that the Bill of Life was a sick society so she helps this new generation.

Jeane'e said...

I think Lev will not be able to find Connor and Risa. Even if he did, I don't think that they would take him back because of what he did. I think that the Hayden, Mai and Roland are extremely lucky to be taken in by Sonia. It's probably even luck that they escaped on the way to the unwinding camp in the first case. Sonia is a good person because she has taken in all the escaped unwinds. I think she's doing the work to help the unwinds because maybe she was an escaped unwind herself and felt the fear and betrayal that the unwinds feel.

McKena Marie said...

I don't know why Sonia helps unwinds. Its putting her in danger. I have hunch that she had a close relative that was unwound, therefore she wishes to help other helpless unwinds.

Conor said...

My feelings about the other kids are that Roland is just a bully who might start a fight with the other kids. Mai is kind of weird with her leather collar. Hayden always seemed to have funny things to say, but I'm surprised the other kids don't like him because after all most people don't like rich kids.

Conor said...

My feelings about the other kids are that Roland is just a bully who might start a fight with the other kids. Mai is kind of weird with her leather collar. Hayden always seemed to have funny things to say, but I'm surprised the other kids don't like him because after all most people don't like rich kids.

Iliana said...

As said in the book that the people in the ice cream truck the kids in the truck just go from home to home and stay there for a couple of days and then move on to the next home. So I think that Connor and Risa will end up back at their houses but AFTER they are 18 so like the truck will take them around the country until they are 18 and then the truck will just drop them off at their houses. MY feelings on Hayden is, is that he seems really nice and is willing to be really good friends with Connor. Mai is a sweet girl and I think she will live in the end because she seems smart enough like Risa to keep herself alive. Roland I don't really like cause he acts like he is in charge all the time. Sonia I think she is really generous for keeping these kids until the truck comes and like it said in the book she has keep a lot of kids within her lifetime because she has that whole trunk full of letters. I think

CaRtEr said...

I think that Connor and Risa are going to travel from safe house to safe house until they get to an "unwind camp" where unwinds come together in a safe area and work together to survive until they are 18. I think that the other unwinds could end up being a big help to Connor and Risa. The other unwinds can help them survive and Connor and Risa can help them survive. I think Sonia is helping the unwinds because she thinks that it is wrong that they are being unwind, or because she unwound one of her kids and is torn because of it.

Jonny said...

Where I think Connor and Risa are going is to a different state or country. I think that Lev will also get sent to be tithed.

Brady said...

I agree with Conor. It seems like Sonia is almost being too nice. I feel like she might be leading them into a trap.

Anonymous said...

I think that conner is right.


Jonny said...

To CaRtEr: Im just wondering if you read ahead.?¿

Iliana said...

Continued on to previous:

Sonia only is doing this (keeping the kids) because I think she had her own kid unwound and now feels bad about it so she is trying to keep the new kids that are about to get unwound keep them from getting unwound.

*Iliana Jones

Anonymous said...

I think Connor and Risa will stay in the cellar until they turn eighteen. I think this because they really have nowhere else to go. I really don't like Roland but Mai and Hayden seem cool. I think Sonia does this because she was an unwind that made it to eighteen.


McKena Marie said...

I really liked how someone put that Sonia helps Unwinds because she was an unwind that escaped who ever put that I think that your probably right.

paige bushnell said...

I agree with McKena. Sonia is putting herself in danger but still, she is doing the right thing. And yes she probably has had a relative who was an unwind.

Joe said...

1.a) I think that Lev tried to find Conner and Risa, and he is close to them because Conner and Risa were in the cellar all that time, which would've given him some time. I think that Lev is staying somewhere on the streets living of what he can.
2. I think that Roland is a big dude who has a pretty large ego. Hayden is a cool guy who stands out from regular people. I think that Mai is not what she appears to be. For example: she looked tough but when it came to "story time" her tough exterior melted.
3. I think that Sonia is doing a great thing. She gives the unwinds shelter and she's doing stuff for their future. I think that the letters was a very creative thing to do. It would let them say what they wanted to say without getting caught.

McKena Marie said...

Hunter, I disagree with you. I don't think Lev will be caught. The reason I think that is because Lev is a main character so he can't die. I hate main character that die.

Anonymous said...

Iliana I don't know why you like Mai, but I think she sounds kind of creepy with her leather collar and died hair.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to figure out how to answer your questions by comment, instead of with one big posting. I noticed some of you had questions. Feel free to see me about them If they are not addressed.
MR. Frontiero