Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chapter 9-13

As Connor, Risa, and Lev emerge into civilization we find out about the practice known as storking. What are your thoughts on this? Is it like anything we have in society today? Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why do you think Connor takes the storked baby? Clearly, this will not help in their escape. What are your feelings about Lev at this point in the story? Do you think he will be the "downfall" of Connor and Risa? If you could describe Lev in two words, what two would you choose? Why?


Anonymous said...

This place is sort of like ours today. The only deference is that you can stork baby's andunwind your kid.

Jared said...

Storking is one of the most horrible concepts in this book. It's like saying that "I don't love you enough to keep you so I'm going to give you away to someone who might not want you either."

Anonymous said...

I think storking is better than throwing your baby in a dumpster. So in my opinion storking is a good idea. I think it's kind of like adoption except for the fact that it can be sprung on you against your will. Connor takes the baby because of what happened to the baby that his neighborhood got storked with. Lev is a brainwashed jerk and will most likely be the downfall of Connor and Risa. Conor

Anonymous said...


I think that storking good and bad because it gets rid of a baby that might end up being unwound but can also give it away to someone who will unwind it. I think that it was a bad idea to take the baby because it at extra weight and pressure in their escape. I think Levs point of view as a tithe is dumb, because his Pastor told him to run but Lev is still trying to be a tithe. I don't think Lev is the downfall of Risa and Lev because he might have a change in heart. Two words to describe Lev, intelligent but innocent.

Jonny said...

Well taking the storked baby is still concidering that you can take care of it instead of leaving it to die

Brady LaChance said...

I think the process of storking is horrible. I don't think we have anything like it in society. I think it is a really bad idea because it is cruel to the baby. I think Connor took the baby because he didn't want another baby to die like the one that had been passed around his neighborhood. I do not like Lev so far. He is too engrossed in doing the right thing, even if it could get them in trouble. I do not think he will be the downfall of Connor and Risa because he will eventually realize that everything he has been raised to believe is not good. Two words that describe Lev are brainwashed and stubborn. He was brainwashed to believe that unwinding people is right. He is stubborn because he will not let anyone change his beliefs.

Kayla said...

I don't really think that storking is right because people who find the baby just give it away or put it in a state house. Is a good idea for the people that find the baby and keep it, but it sounds like most of the storked babies die. I think Lev is spoiled because he's had everything since birth. I also think that he thinks he's better than Conner and Risa. I do think he will be the downfall of Conner and Risa because he's acting like they need to be turned in for what they did to Lev. I would describe Lev as spoiled and arrogant because he's had this good life and he thinks his life has a purpose for his life.

SIERRA :) said...

In my opinion it's really sad that parents would stork their kids but if it means possibly having the kids end up with a better family that won't unwind the kid then maybe it is a good thing. I think Connor had the urge to take the baby because it might have reminded him of himself because he feels like his parents don't want him and the baby's mom doesn't want it either. At this point in the book i really don't like Lev I think he is annoying and kind of dumb for wanting to unwound.i think in the end he won't be the downfall but i think that Connor and Risa are going to have to go through a lot to keep him quiet.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Lev will be the downfall of Connor and Risa. He is realizing that being a tithe is not such a good thing. I think storking is not a good thing.It is one of the most terrible concepts in this book. Its taking a baby from one person that doesn't want it too another set of parents that probably won't keep it. And most all of the babies in the story that are storked end up in a state home which is not the best place for a baby too grow up. In our world, there are similar stories. People here leave their babies in random places because they don't want them. Two words that would describe Lev are obedient and headstrong.

Hunter said...

As Connor, Risa, and Lev emerge into civilization we find out about the practice known as storking.
I think that the Storking thing is kind of like what we have in society today, because some people leave their babies in dumpsters. i think Connor took the storked baby because he had been storked before, and he watched the baby die.I really hate Lev because he tried to turn in and he is really insecure and h didn't even try to relate to Connor or Risa. I don't think that the baby will be the downfall of Connor and Risa. I would describe Lev as Stupid, and Ignorant.

Jonny said...

To Jared: I know that storking is not a good thing but when another person comes and then takes the baby is still a good thing right

TREVOR W. said...

Thats funny Conor but good.

TREVOR W. said...

Thats funny Conor but good.

Jeane'e said...

I don't think storking is good at all What if the people you leave the baby with don't want the baby? What if the baby dies because of the risks in the situation? I suppose leaving your kid with someone else before it gets to know its mother or father. It's a bad idea to stork, like I said, to many risks. I think Connor took the baby because he learned his lesson. When the 1st storked baby showed up on his door step and then they gave it away to the house across the street and then it comes back around to his house dying of jaundice, he feels bad. He sees the face of that baby on this baby. He wants to keep that baby from dying. Lev is not cool. He was saved by Connor and he's giving them a hard time about it. He wants to escape, turn Connor and Risa in and then go to the harvest camp. He is so not cool. Yes, I think Lev is the downfall, because he's not going to help them. I would choose "selfish" and "stupid." He's stupid because the pastor told him to run and he thinks he means "run away from the kidnapper", but he meant run away from the harvest camp. I choose selfish because all he wants is to go back to the harvest camp. He doesn't want anything to do with Connor and Risa and wants to get them arrested.

McKena said...

I personally think that storking is a horrible thing. The reason I believe this is because the babies are given away to people who will end up unwinding that child.

sam said...

I think that Connor took the baby because he had seen the baby that they had been put at his door step and then saw the baby later when it died and he did not want to see that baby die. I think that Lev is really stupid and I think that he should be happy because he will be able to live and then he will be able to have his whole life ahead of him. I think that he is very stupid.

Anonymous said...

I think storking is terrible I mean if your just going to unwind kids at thirteen why is it legal to stork kids? I suppose you can think of storking as giving away a child to a state home. And again if you're just going to unwind kids why stork kids at all?


paige bushnell said...

I do not agree with stoking, I think it is horrible and not right. They should have just kept adoption available. With storking, you never truly know that your baby will be safe.
I don't think storking is really like anything we have in our society today, we have adoption but adoption is totally different than storking.
Storking is a bad idea, for reasons listed above.
I think Conner took the baby because of all of his memories and the memory of them getting storked... and in the end it ended up dying.
I do not like Lev at this point in the story. He messed up and called the police and then tried to undo it but he couldn't. I think it is good that at least the he realized that what he did was wrong.
No I do not think that he will be the downfall of Risa and Conner.
Brainwashed and Clueless is how I would describe Lev at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Even if the person that is storked doesn't want the baby it will still have a better chance in a State Home than if it were thrown in a garbage.


Anonymous said...

I think that storking is not a good idea, because, you never know what kind of family you're dropping your baby off with, and you never know what is going to happen to your baby. I also find it unfair that somebody can be storked against their will.

My opinion on Lev is changing, I think that he is beginning to believe Risa and Connor that unwinding is not a true "honor" but murder. I predict that Lev is not going to be such a burden anymore to Risa and Connor, but maybe even helpful.

SIERRA :) said...

I really don't think that Lev is changing hes more like a burdan on Connor and Risa rather than helping them.

Joe said...

Joe Jacobs
1. I think that storking is wrong. Leaving a baby for someone else to have is just plain wrong. If someone left a baby somewhere on a door step the homeowner would just unwind it when the baby turned 13. The homeowner also might abuse the child.
2.Storking still happens today for mothers who cannot take care of their young. I think it's sad, but I don't blame the mothers.
3. I think Conner took the storked baby because he felt guilty of what his family did to the baby that was storked to them.
4. I think Lev is paranoid and ready to escape. He is just trying to do what he believes and Risa and Conner are just stopping it, however I'm with Conner and Risa.
5. I don't think that Lev is going to be the "downfall" of Conner and Risa because since Lev knows that Pastor Dan wants Lev to live, I think that he's going to help Conner and Risa.
6. I would describe Lev as misinformed and smart. He is smart because he knows when to do things. He is misinformed because he was tricked that being a tithe was a good thing, and that he was being taken hostage by Risa and Conner.

Jonny said...

What would you do if you were Connor, Risa, or Lev?

This is to anyone

Anonymous said...

They can always give it to a State Home.


McKena said...

I think Lev is very proud to be the tithe. I think he is very head strong and believe that if he does not go to harvest camp he is letting God down. In our faith if someone kills them self it is and instant ride to hell. When the person's organs are donated and the person lives it is okay. Like a nice kidney donation. I think God is giving Lev a second chance.

Jonny said...

Yes I do think Lev might just be the downfall on Connor and Risa

Kayla said...

But the state homes you don't get that much care and most babies die there.

Iliana said...

I think that storking is really sad and wrong because I mean who would leave their own child on someone's front porch to leave with a random family that you don't even know. I think it is wrong because if the family you give your child to what if they don't want a kid to deal with, so how would you know you gave it to the right family. Well I guess storking is kind of like adoption in some ways but in other ways it is not. The reason why I say that it is like adoption is because the parent is giving their child away to another family, but on the other hand it is not like adoption because with adoption the parents meet the other set of parents that they are giving their baby to but with storking you don't know who the people are. I think that Connor takes the baby because he feels bad for what happened to the baby that was on his front porch and turned yellow. He does not want what happened to his baby to happen to this baby.I don't like Lev I think he is selfish and does not think and/or care about Risa and Connor. Yes because I think Lev will just screw everything up for Risa and Connor. I would describe Lev as rude and selfish because he is selfish because he does not really care about Connor and Risa and he is rude because he just left Risa and Connor in the girls bathroom and did not even tell them that he was leaving.

CaRtEr said...

Storking is almost worse than unwinding. It's like a forced adoption because you don't want it. If you don't want a baby don't have one! Fortunately we don't have anything like this in our society today. I believe that Connor took the baby because he didn't want the baby to end up getting unwound or ignored because the baby isn't their child.

Brady said...

I agree with Connor. There are better alternatives to storking like adoption or giving you baby to a StaHo. Although they will probably still be unwound, at least they will be given a chance to live.

Anonymous said...

I think that Storking could be bad or good.


Iliana said...


Jonny said...

To Conor: ya you can be right but then that child might be rough and tough instead of cute and cuddly

McKena Marie said...

I think Connor took the baby because he believe the baby can live a better life. Also Connor went through the process of storking.

Jared said...

I really think Connor did the right thing when he took the baby, because if he wouldn't have it would have ended up just like the baby that was storked to his family. What do you think?

Laura =^) said...

I think the idea of storking is not a good idea. No one would treat that kid as good and it is a horrible way to get a baby of your hands. Sure it is better than other ways of getting rid of your child but it still is not right. It is better than killing the child, but you don't know what the person is going to do with your child. I don't get why people would stork if they could send it to a state home, because at the home you would know that your child will be somewhere, and not being pasted around the neighborhood. I am glad we don't have this in our society, because an orphanage will take care of your child even if you can't. I think it is a good thing that Connor took the baby because now the baby will have a good life. This is a good book!!!

Erin Hasler said...

As Connor, Risa, and Lev emerge into civilization we find out about the practice known as storking. I think that the Storking thing is kind of like what we have in society today, because some people leave their babies in dumpsters. i think Connor took the storked baby because he had been storked before, and he watched the baby die.I really hate Lev because he tried to turn in and he is really insecure and h didn't even try to relate to Connor or Risa. I don't think that the baby will be the downfall of Connor and Risa. I would describe Lev as Stupid, and Ignorant.