Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recent Reading

Act as if I have not read to where you guys have read, and fill me in on what has happened. When you reply to each other your task is to figure out what details they missed and write it in your posts. If you catch someone leaving something out, bust'em and write it down. Oh, and be nice to the sub...Please.


Aaron said...

Risa and Conor made it to the graveyard while Lev and CyFi make it to Joplin. The kids brain in CyFi is acting out and when the kid sees his old parents he flips out and begs his parents to not unwind him.

Iliana said...

In the book they just got to the Graveyard and Cy Fi got to Joplin and met the parents of the other part of his brain and Lev just left him so he is by himself.

SIERRA :) said...

Right now in the book the unwinds have just gotten to the grave yard which is actually a junkyard for planes that are no longer used. Lev and CY-FY have gone to a house that used to be a kids house named Tyler who's half of his brain is now in CY-Fy's head and CY-Fy has gone to dig up treasures that Tyler had stolen throughout the years. After this Lev runs while everyone is confused

TrevoR W. said...

The Graveyard is way cool. Connor is getting really smart, he thinks before he acts. Riosa has influenced how Connor acts......

Jonny said...

When Connor, Risa, and other runaway unwinds were sleeping these Fatigues came and woke them up and told them to get into groups of three. when Connor was put with other people, one of them was called Emby, another called Diego, and another was called Hayden.

Mariah said...

Conner and Risa made it to the graveyard where they will stay until they are 18 and cannot be unwound. Lev and Cy Fi reached Joplin finally. And the part of Cy Fi that is tyler led him to his house where he dug up a truck full of jewelry in the back yard of tylers former house. Then he begged tylers parents not to unwind him and lev ran away. The part of Cy Fi's brain that is tyler is acting out. And lashing out emotions. He started bawling when he caught sight of tylers parents.

Brady said...

Connor, Risa, and the other Unwinds were taken by the fatigues and put into large crates in groups of four. These crates were put into a plane, and took off. Connor was in a crate with Hayden, Diego, and Emby. While they were in there, they discussed controversial topics, such as if Unwinds die when they are unwound. When the air was getting hard to breathe, the plane finally landed. The crates were opened up, and the Unwinds let out. An old army man then welcomed them to the graveyard.

Laura =^) said...

In the book right now Connor and Risa are at the graveyard. The graveyard is actually a airplane graveyard. Connor and Risa took a long ride in crates to the graveyard and 5 kids died on the ride. Meanwhile Cy-Fi finds the kid who is a part of his mind parents. And while he is there he digs up lots of gold and silver.

McKena said...

The important things that happen from chapter 26-29 is very sad, fun and rough. First Connor and Risa are loaded on to giant cargo crates and loaded on to an old giant plane that no longer flies. The unwinds must live til they are 18.

Aaron said...

Iliana you forgot to say that Conor and Risa were taken out of the crates and met the Admiral.

Jeane'e said...

Recently, they were put into crates. Roland tried to get next to Connor but Connor made a scene and got out of it. Instead, he was put in a crate with Diego, Hayden and Emby. The talked about things that unwinds don't really talk about- would it be better to die or to be unwound? Then they get to this place were it's like a secret military base and they take unwinds in.

CaRtEr said...

Connor and Risa were put into crates and flown of to the Graveyard. Connor narrowly escaped being in a crate with Roland and gets in a crate with Hayden, Diego and Emby. When they got to the Graveyard they found out it was where decommissioned planes are taken. They meet the admiral and head off to the visitor's cabin.

SIERRA :) said...

Aaron you never said that either so....:)

paige bushnell said...

Conner and Risa were hearded into crates, girls with girls, boys with boys. Conner almost had to go with Roland, but he got away and ended up with Hayden, who he had met earlier, Emby (otherwise known as Mouthbreather), and Diego. They got into deep conversations and learned a lot about each other. In the end Risa and Conner made it to the graveyard safely. Cy Fi and Lev made it to the Joplin finally.

Brady said...

Aaron you are very vague. You should explain how Tyler is acting out, and how Risa and Conor make it to the graveyard.

Riley. :) said...

Risa and Connor arrived at the graveyard safely. On the ride to the graveyard; Connor, Diego, Emby, and Hayden talked about unwinding, and they shared their thoghts on it. While Lev and CyFi made it to Joplin. When Tyler (the other kid inside CyFi's head) sees his old parents, he begs them not to unwind him.

Conor said...

Connor and Risa arrived at the graveyard after being shipped there on a jet that was being decommissioned along with the other unwinds. Meanwhile Lev and CyFi were entering Joplin, Missouri once there they found the other kids house where CyFi went berserk and dug up Tyler's treasure. He then asked Tyler's parents to promise him they wouldn't unwind him. They didn't until Lev threatened them. He ran off after they promised CyFi/Tyler they wouldn't unwind them.

Joe said...

In the book so far, Conner, Risa and other Unwinds were put into cargo boxes in groups of 4 and shipped in a plane to the "Graveyard." Conner was in a crate with Hayden, Diego, and "The Mouth Breather" or Emby. They talked about the government and other things that were very interesting. All of that talk and the small amount of air in the box made it hard to breath. However they made it to the "Graveyard" safe and sound.

Conor said...

Aaron you could add more details.

Jared said...

Risa and Connor have made it to the Graveyard, Connor is also becoming more and more thoughtful and cleaver. He doesn't act on his first impulse as often now.

Kayla :) said...

Right now Risa and Connor are heading toward the Graveyard. Lev has just taken off into the darkness. Lev was going with CyFi to a town he was heading to and when Cy got to his destination he dug up a bunch of jewelery, right then Lev took of into the night. Risa and Connor had to fly in an airplane, but as the cargo. They arrive and are told to walk to the Graveyard.