Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So, you have been reading along and most of you have read ahead, but speaking from where you are supposed to be in the book. What do you think? How about trying to auction off your soul? What are your thoughts on Cy Fi? Pick one character that you have NOT completed a character sheet on and explain if you can relate to that person or not and why.


Mariah said...

I would not auction off my soul. It sounds terrible. I think I can't relate to Cy Fi is kind of helpless at the moment because he has part of another guys brain. And he can't do anything to stop the actions and feelings that came with that part of the brain. And I don't think that I relate to Cy Fi.

Jonny said...

no why would anyone want to auction their soul, unless they are drunk like really really drunk or they just have an awful life.

Brady said...

I think it is strange that someone tried to sell his soul on eBay. I don't think it really matters though, because it's not like someone can actually have possession of another person's soul. I like Cy Fi so far. He is very interesting. One character who I cannot relate to is Roland. He is too angry all the time.

Hunter said...

I think if you sell your soul, then you can't go to heaven or hell when you die, because the person that bought your soul owns it, so therefore god or the devil cannot.

CaRtEr said...

I find it really strange that someone would try to auction off their soul. I believe it was only a practical joke. I think Cy Fi is being tortured by the other side of him. He is a very good man that is forced to steal when he doesn't want to. I can not relate to Roland because I do not use my strength towards being a bully. Roland has the power to be a good leader but is a bad leader instead.

:) said...

i would never give my soul away i think cy fi is very interesting he has an odd way of looking at things. i dont think i can relate to Roland at all he is very stuckup thinks that he can control everyones decsions and thinks that he is the greatest gift to the world.

:) said...

i would never give my soul away i think cy fi is very interesting he has an odd way of looking at things. i dont think i can relate to Roland at all he is very stuckup thinks that he can control everyones decsions and thinks that he is the greatest gift to the world.

Kayla :) said...

I think that it's kind of wierd that they are all getting stored in the warehouse because it's just a weird place to store people I guess. It's way weird that people would try to auction their own soul, but I guess that their family would get the money, so someone is getting something good. I think that Cy-Fi is a troubled kid that's been through a lot. I relate to Hayden the most because he sounds like he's a really put together kid that thinks through things and that's pretty much how I am.

McKena Marie said...

I think auctioning the soul is horrible, the soul is not a materialistic thing so selling the soul is an instant trip to hell. Weather or not your technically dead. The soul is the truth, the balance of your body selling the soul is selling your freedom when selling the soul you can not separate the body from the soul. If you do you instantly die with no right to pass to a better life. You end up with 6 or hell.

Riley said...

This book has been great, it's written quite creatively. As for auctioning off your soul, I think it's awful, and I would never do it under any circumstances. I don't believe that I can relate to CyFi, because I've never been in his position of having a part of someone else's brain in yours.

Jonny said...

Well my thoughts on CyFi is that he's has same street smart which works out the best for him because he doesn't have anyone to take care of him besides himself.

Brady said...

I agree with Carter. I don't think that the person who sold his soul was serious. I think it was just a really weird joke.

Aaron said...

I think that trying to auction off your soul isn't that crazy because, according to ebay, it is a body part and parents are sending there children to have there organs harvested. I feel bad for CyFi because his dads tried to give him a whole part of the brain but instead made him 1/8 kleptomaniac.


1. Controls a lot of the unwinds in the warehouse.
2. Has many "friends" to control.
3. Is the so called alpha male.

1. Knows how to manipulate crowds to his benefit.
2. Knows who to make friends with.
3. Knows what to do to gain power over other kids.

1. He is very large
2. Said to be rejected as a beuaf because he was to big and scary.
3. Able to hold down Risa with ease.

Conor said...

I think that's strange that someone tried to auction off their soul, I don't think they would have been able to separate themselves themselves from their soul. Brain bits probably would have been better for Cy Fi because then the boy the boy's brain wouldn't be able to take control of him. I can relate to Sonya because like her I would try to help runaway unwinds.

Sam said...

I think that Cy Fi is way cool and it is very bad that the part of his brain can take over his body. I think that it was very smart of the doctors to have only a little bit of one person in another one's body.

I think that roland is really stupid and I think that Connor could take him and hurt him really bad. I think that it is weird that roland made a knife

I think that who ever tried to sell his soul was being a retard and it was a joke.

McKena Marie said...

I have very mixed feeling for CY Fi. I think that he is humble. I look down his bossy nature. I feel sorry for him. He has to live with the trouble of having a third of someone else in him.

javascript:void(0)paige bushnell said...

I am still confused about selling your "soul." It is not truly possible in my opinion.. Unless they mean they are selling themselves to kill themselves. In which case it would make no sense to sell your self. I do like the book though, I think that it is going to get really interesting and intense soon.

I don't like Cy Fi. I think he is jut going to end up getting Lev in trouble. I think if Lev judged Conner and Risa, that he should know better than to go with Cy Fi. I think Cy Fi is clever, devious, and serious.

Jonny said...

I can't relate to CyFi because he has 1/8 of someone else brain and I just have 100% of mine that I know of

Iliana said...

I DON'T LIKE THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think I would want to auction off my soul because I think it would be kind of weird because someone else would like have a hold of my soul.I kind of feel bad for Cy Fi because he has a part of someone else's brain so he is doing things that he would have never done with his brain only and he is having to deal with the things that the other part of his new brain would do.I would pick... Hayden because he is a smart kid and he is a leader.
*Iliana Jones

Anonymous said...

I think if I had the chance to sell my soul, I would. I mean I really don't need it to survive. It has no real attachment to me nor I to it. I think CyFi has some real issues. But hey, don't we all? So he steals. I know a couple of kids that used to steal. But this is different, this isn't really him just some kid that thinks he's still in his own body. I haven't done a character sheet on CyFi but him and I have nothing in common.


Joe said...

So, you have been reading along and most of you have read ahead, but speaking from where you are supposed to be in the book. What do you think? How about trying to auction off your soul? What are your thoughts on Cy Fi? Pick one character that you have NOT completed a character sheet on and explain if you can relate to that person or not and why.

1. I think CyFi is a very interesting character because of his split personality. I'm amazed how much he changes from "I ain't no stealer," to stealing a christmas ornament from a store. However, he is awesome in every other way.
Roland is a baaaaaaaaaaad person. He is a bully and will do very weird things to get Conner mad (you read the book I don't want to say). However Conner came out as the super smart dude and made Roland 's plan backfire.
2. I think that auction

Laura =^) said...

I think the book is really good. It is interesting. I think auctioning of your soul is just weird. Your soul is something that can not be Owned or bought. It belongs to you and it is not something that you can remove or replace. It is there and you can't change that fact. I think Cy-Fi is a real example of why you should not unwind people because the people that are unwound are the people you don't want to have a controlling a part of you. He is very interesting, and i like that he tries to over come this part of his brain and go after the place he always sees the person wanting to go. I think the teacher is such an amazing person to help get kids to people who can help more. She isn't doing the most she can but she is still helping in the cause. I think I can relate to the teacher because I would do the same thing, try to make a difference but I would not want to run the whole show.

Jared said...

I think that this book is getting really intense and deep. I think that you really have to pay attention to get the whole meaning of it. I also think that Connor is getting smarter with his actions and thoughts. Risa on the other hand is becoming more spontaneous.

CyFi is a concern for me in the book because he is a loose cannon. I do not understand him totally. Therefore I don't trust him and he doesn't feel right.