Thursday, February 25, 2010

up to ch. 35

What are your thoughts on The Graveyard? Is this a good place or a bad place? Why? What about the admiral? What's his deal? Why do you think he runs this place? What about the growing tension between Roland and Connor? How do you think that is going to turn out? What about Lev? What is going on with him? Explain your overall thoughts in about 11 sentences. You can comment on other posts as well.


Brady said...

I think that The Graveyard is a good place. Unwinds are given a safe place to live. I think The Graveyard is safer for Unwinds than most other places. At first, I didn't like the Admiral. I thought he was not trustworthy. However, I trust him more after hearing the story about his son. I think he runs the Graveyard because he wants to save Unwinds. He felt bad for unwinding his son, so now he wants to help. I think that the tension between Roland and Connor is starting to wear off. I think they won't ever fight. I think something is wrong with Lev. He seems to be angry all the time.

Aaron said...

I think that the graveyard is good but in return the kids have to work.

I think that the admiral is a well-rounded guy but acts odd from being in the Heartland War. I think that the growing tension between Roland and Conor is because Roland wants power. I think that roland and conor are going to get into a big fight.
I think that Lev is still on the run away from CyTi.

Mariah said...

I think the graveyard is a good place. It's the unwinds hiding place. It will keep them safe and undercover until they are 18. I think he has good intentions. But he has to keep all of the unwinds inline and on task. He's doing this for the unwinds because his son got unwound and he is regretting it. So he's helping other unwinds to stay alive. I think there will be a breaking point and Roland and Connor will get in a fight, the tension is growing stronger. Or they will conspire against each other. Lev has changed. He's not a stuck-up tithe anymore. Hes become much more street smart. Hes also becoming and acting more grownup. The graveyard is like a safe-house for the unwinds. It is a place that keeps them safe from the outside world until they're 18. Its a place where they get food, water, shelter and work to keep them busy.

Jeane'e said...

I think the Graveyard is a fair place- it's not exactly a vacation spot, but it's a spot to be safe. If I had to choose between safety and luxury, I would choose safety. The admiral is kind of a strange guy to me. I think he runs the place because maybe someone close to him got unwound so he felt the need to help unwinds. I guess he runs the place because he's the guy who bought all the planes and stuff. I think the tension between Roland and Connor is going to result in a fight. Roland is kind of being weird because he hates Connor, but he tells him about his theory about the teeth. I think Lev has changed, but I still think he'll be a rule follower. But he's not a well behaved tithe anymore, he's a little bit more like Connor. I think part of Lev still wants to be with CyFi, but then again I think he's happy to be with Risa and Connor. I think Lev has changed though.

Riley said...

I think that the graveyard is an alright place, the people who are running it are doing a very good thing for the children. I think the admiral has good intentions, but he has to keep the unwinds in line, or else the graveyard would break in to chaos. I'm not quite sure as to what is going on between Roland and Connor, but I think that at one point Roland is going to get tired/bored on just antagonizing Connor, and not having him respond the way he wants him to. I predict that at one point, Roland will do something that will tick Connor off so much, that he will attack Roland and then Roland will hurt Connor severely…

Sam said...

I think that the graveyard is a okay place. I think that the graveyard could turn out to be a very bad place. One way could be if the feds out then every body could go to jail.
I think that Connor could not take Rowland in a fight. I think this because Rowland is a very strong and tough. I think that it would be bad to get in a fight because Rowland could kill him. I do think that Connor could put up a good fight but Rowland would win in the end.

Laura =^) said...

I think the whole idea of the Graveyard is a good idea. It gives kids the chance to have a life. It is a good thing they are doing. I think it is a good place because the kids are given a second chance.
When you think about the Admiral and all the things he has told Connor, you really start to understand the man. He got false teeth so he didn't take form a kid. He spent more on that little thing. I feel bad about him unwinding his child. I think it is just odd that he is now working to save those kids after his son went through it.
I think Roland is just a pain. He needs to get over himself and grow up. He is just trying to be the star of the show. Sooner or later Him and Connor are going to get into a fight, Because Roland is making every thing hard.
I think it is cool that Lev is there at the camp. I think that he and Connor will grow close. I think it will be even quite easy for them to be friends because Lev has changed into a person that i can see Connor talking with. Lev has really changed.
THis is a really good book!

Jonny said...

Well why the admiral is running the place is because I think he used to be an Unwind and escaped. So he wants to help the other Unwinds until they are 18. So far I think the Graveyard is a good place.The admiral I think can be a good man when you get on is good side. What the Admirals deal is that he has like no other life and he wants to help others with his 10 rules to follow. What I think will happen Connor and Roland is that Connor is going to lose his cool and fight him. How the growing tension is going between them isn't very good. My over all thoughts is that the book is pretty good and that it kind of is a cliff hanger after every chapter. Well if the Admiral isn't an Unwind then he has no life and either he's is forced to do this or he wants to do it cause he wants to.

paige bushnell said...

I think the graveyard is meant to be a good place. People abuse it sometimes but it is a good place. It is illegal but it is the right thing to do. The admiral has very good intentions, i think that he might come off as a jerk, but he has to keep things in line so he is not arrested and so the unwinds are safe. I think the admiral runs this place because he has had the opportunity to take an unwind's teeth, but he chose not to. He obviously does not believe in unwinding. I think that Roland and Conner are eventually going to get into a fight. Roland is smart and knows how to push his buttons, Conner has a uncontrollable temper. It is obvious that they hate each other and one of these days Roland is going to push Conner to far. I am not certain what is going to happen to Lev. I think he is going to come across Conner and Risa again eventually, but I don't know how or why. The story is going to get suspenseful, I can tell.

Kayla :) said...

I think that the Grave yard seems sad like it was a last resort for the unwinds, but then again the unwinds are happy to finally get there. I think that the admiral is very wise and has been through a lot and that's why he seems mean. The admiral had dentures and he could have just gotten an unwinds teeth but he didn't. He cares about the unwinds for some weird reason that he hasn't told anyone. I think that he runs the grave yard because he wants to save lives and help people. I think that Roland really wants to make Connor made for some reason. I think that Roland will want to fight Connor some time, but won't go through with it. I think that Lev will go on the street for a while then find Connor and Risa some other place. Lev just is trying to live until 18 on guts, but he's not trying very hard. Lev seems like his life is ended and just doesn't want to make an effort to really live any more. I think that the book so far is a little confusing because they aren't explaining everything.

Anonymous said...

I think the graveyard is a sanctuary for unwinds. As for the general, I think he just wants whats best for the unwinds. And he only puts them to work because he needs stuff done. Like Connor he needs the planes fixed so he can sell them to feed the unwinds. The growing tension between Connor and Roland will probably escalate quickly and one of them will most likely die. As for Lev I think he is making a bad choice letting himself become this kind of person. He is becoming a bad person.


paige bushnell said...

I agree with Kayla. Her thoughts are very close to mine.

SIERRA :) said...

in my opinion the graveyard is good and is good because it is helping kids that are met to be unwinds that want to live. It is bad because the kids have to live in planes in the middle of the desert without showers.YUCK!!!!BO. i think that Roland and Connor are getting more and more sick of each other i think it is only a matter of time before one of them cracks. I think that the admiral is loyal to his work. Instead of an unwinds teeth he choose to have dentures. i think he does what he does because in the war he was on the pro life side. i still dont like lev :(

Conor said...

I think the graveyard should be run more democratically. Over all though a dictatorship may be more effective in the situation. I think the Admiral is a good person despite what he did to his son. I think his obsession is a good thing in a way because it helps save unwinds. I still wouldn't trust the Admiral completely if I was Connor. Lev acts different after he saw what happened to CyFi. I think Roland and Connor will eventually get into a fight. I think it will end with Connor as the victor.

sam said...

I agree with Brady, There is something wrong with Lev.

McKena Marie said...

I think the Graveyard is a good place. I think the Graveyard is a good place because it supplies the unwinds roof over head, food, work, and a sense of safety from the Juvey-cops. I think the Admiral is a smart mysterious man. I think he likes having power. I think that Connor is doing a good job not taking the bait from Roland. I think Roland is trying to cause problems in amongst the unwinds. I think Roland has do be in control the one with all the power. If Roland is not in complete power he tries to over throw the one who is. For example; Roland and Connor has more power than Roland so Roland causes trouble for Roland. The Admiral has a lot of power. So I suspect that Roland is the one who is trying to over throw the Admiral. I think that the Admiral is a good person and is saving unwinds so that they may have a better future than what he and his family including his son had.

Joe said...

1.The Graveyard is a good place. I think that this is a wonderful idea to save Unwinds and get money at the same time. I think that the Admiral is very smart and is nice. Most people wouldn't do what he is doing but I know why (I accidentally read ahead).
2. I think the tension between Conner and Roland has been growing steadily and quickly, and soon would be off the charts.
3. I think is going to do something dumb and he's going to regret it.
4. My ideas about the book is that it's very interesting. The author does a good job of keeping suspense. I also enjoy all of the vintage points. I like that he explains things that other characters see. However it's sorta takes away what someone thinks. Any-who the book is awesome as a possum.

Iliana =) said...

I don't really like the Graveyard. I think that it is a some what of a save place just because they have planes to hide in and live in but with the Admiral sending kids to places outside of the Graveyard even though his assistants say that they are going to be safe until they turn 18 I don't really think that they are going to be as safe as if they were in the Graveyard. I think the only reason why the Admiral is doing this to the kids that are going to be unwound is because he feels bad about what he did to his son and does not what it to happen to any other kids anymore. I think the reason why he is doing this to the kids is because he id guilty about what he put his own son through. Well because both Roland and Connor don't like the Admiral I think they are going to try to do something about it but they don't want to be seen as a team because everyone there knows them as the two people who hate each other. I think that maybe in the end when both Roland and Connor leave the Graveyard they might become friends. I think that Lev is going to run away from the Graveyard and then the Juvey-Cops will catch him and he will just be unwound and never be seen again. I think that he is figured out that he was brainwashed and he is trying to change his way of living.
*Iliana Jones =)